Thursday, September 3, 2009

No Pictures...

My camera broke and was shipped off to the geek squad for repairs. The estimated return date is September 19. So, unless I can get pictures from other people or borrow one, we won't be posting many pictures in the next few weeks. But, I still want to keep everyone updated on what's going on...which really isn't much.

We are working on taking Maddy's beloved paci away (I added it on the list of new things she's doing). Although she still gets it during nap time and in the car. She's doing great when she is focused on something else, but when she wants it and can't have it, she let's us know she's mad!

I came home this week thinking aliens had taken over Brandon's body. Monday was a rainy day and he couldn't work long so he got home early and fixed the three broken kitchen chairs that I have been asking him to fix for over a year! The same day, he started working on refinishing our rocking chairs. They are white and sit on the porch and are just stained with mildew. We've tried everything to get them clean again but they needed to be sanded and re-painted (also about a year overdue) He has been working on this all week long and they look great.

I will be 30 tomorrow! When I type it, I just can't believe I have been on this earth that long, it sounds like quite a long time. But, I have to say it doesn't bother me in the least little bit. I don't really know why people freak out when they turn 30. I honestly feel like my life gets better with each passing year - the last couple of years, especially. Maybe I'll freak out when I turn 40.

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